Book Web Page for

Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java

Andy Wellings

jpeg file

Published by Wiley, 2004
ISBN 0-470-84437-X
431 pages
Table of Contents

1.  Introduction
2.  Concurrent Programming in Java
3.  Communication and Synchronization
4.  Completing the Java Concurrency Model
5,  Implementing Communications Paradigms in Java
6.  Case Study: Concurrent Maze Sorter
7.  The Real-Time Specification for Java
8.  Memory Management
9.  Clocks and Time
10. Scheduling and Schedulable Objects
11. Asynchronous Events and their Handlers
12. Real-Time Threads
13. Asynchronous Transfer of Control
14. Resource Sharing
15. Physical and Raw Memory
16. Case Study: Automobile Cruise Contriol System
17. High-Integrity Real-Time Systems
18. Conclusions


Web References

RTSJ Software

There are several implementations of the RTSJ:

Other real-time, Java-like platforms:

Warning: The RTSJ is still under refinement and the implementations are still under development. Consequently, the various implementations may all do slightly different things.

Book Evaluation

This is the first edition of the book. If you have any comments or find any errors please email me

There is an errata page with the current list of typos etc.

Support Material

The book assumes the reader is familiar with sequential Java and the basic tennets of software engineering. A brief introduction to Java (currently 1.4)  is provided  for those people familiar with C++/C and OOP in general. Introduction in pdf form


Currently I teach the main parts of the book in 20 one hour lectures. Copies of the power point presentations I use are given below:

Example Program

Here are some example programs:


Here are some exercises to help reinforce the material presented in the book.

Concurrent Hello World (Easy)

  1. Write a Java class which is a subclass of the Thread class. The run method of the class should print the message "hello world". Write a main Java method which creates the thread and starts it..
  2. Write a class which implements the Runnable interface. The run method of the class should print the message "hello world". Write a main method  which creates the thread and passes the Runnable object as a parameter and starts the thread.

Java Thread Scheduling (Easy)

  1. Write a concurrent Java program which consists of two threads. The first thread prints the numbers 1 to 100. The second thread prints the letters a to z followed by A to Z. Start both threads. Understand what is happening.
  2. Modify 1) so that the second thread wait for the first thread to terminate before it begins outputting.
  3. Modify 1) so that each thread sleeps for one second after printing a number (or a letter).

Thread Local Data (More difficult)

  1. Read up about Thread Local data. Flesh out the example in Section 2.5 and test it.
  2. Experiment to determine the difference between static and non static thread local data. 

Accessing Shared Data (Easy)

  1. Write a concurrent Java program which declares an array of  10 integers. Create two threads. One which writes the value 1 to all the elements in the array. However, in between writing each element of the array, the thread sleeps for one second. The second thread writes the values 7 to each element of the array. Again in between writing the elements it sleeps. When both threads have terminated, print out the array. Understand what is happening.
  2. Now modify the program so that, even with the sleeps, the result at the end of the threads is (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) or (7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7). You will need to use a synchronized method or a synchronized statement to achieve this.

Readers Writers (More difficult)

  1. Provide a solution to the readers/writers problem which gives priority to waiting readers. Use a single class solution (i.e. do not use condition variables).

The Santa Claus Problem (Difficult - designed by J.A. Trono)

Santa Claus sleeps at the North pole until awakened by either all of the nine reindeer, or by a group of three out of ten elves. He performs one of two indivisible actions: A waiting group of reindeer must be served by Santa before a waiting group of elves. Since Santa's time is extremely valuable, marshalling the reindeer or elves into a group must not be done by Santa. Show how this problem can be modelled in  standard Java. Santa, the elves and the reindeer are all threads that must synchronize with each other. (You can find the answer to this on the web, but try it first).

Accessing Memory Areas 

  1. Write a program which tries to allow a standard Java thread to enter into the immortal memory area. Tell me what happens! (Easy)
  2. Write a program which tries to create a standard Java thread in the immortal memory area. Again, tell me what happens.  (Easy)
  3. Write a program which tries to create a standard Java thread in a scoped memory area. Again, tell me what happens.  (Easy)
  4. Use the SizeEstimator class to determine the size of various object, including an object of class Object.  (Easy)
After we have covered real-time threads:
  1. Try to use some of the standard Java packages for input and output from within a scoped memory area  (Easy)
  2. Flesh out the example in Section 7 of the draft book on Portals and test it. (More difficult).
  3. Using MemoryParameters and determine whether the Reference Implementation reports violations of the memory usage (More difficult).

Clocks and Time

  1. Write a program to determine the granularity of time for the reference implementation on Linux. (Easy)
  2. Write a program to test the Launch Clock given in the Lectures and Chapter 9 of the draft book. (More difficult)

Scheduling and Schedulable Objects

  1. Create 6 periodic real-time threads each with a utilization of 20% (that is the cost/period = .2). Ask the default scheduler whether the system is schedulable? Understand why you get the answer you do. What feasibility test is the Reference Implementation using?  (Easy)
  2. Modify the program so that it dynamically changes the value of the cost parameters until they are all the same and the system is feasible. (More difficult)
  3. Write a program to test if the Reference Implementation supports cost overrun handlers. (Easy)

Asynchronous Events and Real-Time Threads

  1. Write programe to test whether the Reference Implementation supports deadline overrun handlers. (Easy)
  2. Write a program to explore the semantics of the waitForNextPeriod method. Does the Reference Implementatio implement the semantics given in the course? (More difficult).
  3. Write a real-time thread which is periodic and has a deadline overrun handler. However, do not use waitForNextPeriod and do not set the RTSJ deadline miss handler. In other words, show how you can implement a periodic real-time threads using Timers. (Moderately difficult).
  4. Determine whether the Reference Implementation terminates a programme even if events can still fire.(Easy).
  5. Experiement with the cade given for an aperiodic real-time thread in section 12.3 of the draft book. Report any problems to me! (More difficult).

Asynchronous Transfer of Control

  1. Write a program with two real-time threads, one enters into a AI-method which loops forever (say priniting out hello world). The other sleeps for 5 seconds and then calls the interrupt method on the first thread.Ensure that the first thread handles any AIE and prints out a message. (More difficult).
  2. Re-do 1) above using AIE objects and the interruptible interface. (Easy).
  3. Write programs which implement the method call chains illustrated in section 13.3. of the draft book. Run the programs and check the results given in the draft book. Tell me if they are not the same! (More difficult).
  4. Implement and test the Persistent AIE given in section 13.5 of the draft book (More difficult).
  5. Devise a program to illustrate the semantics of multiple AIEs (section 13.6 of the draft book) (Difficult).
  6. Write a real-time thread that enters an infinite loop. Write the deadline miss handler so that it terminates the thread (gracefully, i.e. the thread itself should report that has missed its deadline (not the handler) before terminating). (More difficult)
  7. Test the impreciase computation examle given in sectio 13.7 of the draft book. (More difficult).
  8. Does the Reference Implementation support the POSIX Sign al interface? Try and write a program that catches control-C. (Difficult).

Resource Sharing

  1. Write a program to illustrate priority inheritance (More difficult).

Example Examination Questions

Here are some example questions that I use to examine the material in the book.

Example Question on Java Thread Model

  1. Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the  Java Concurrency model
  2. Consider the following class
  3. public class Resource

      // There should never be threads executing methodA and methodB
      // at the same time.
      // Calls to methodA have priority over calls to methodB.

      public void methodA()
        // No more than three threads should be allowed to
        // execute this method at any one time.
        // The method takes a significant period of time to execute.

      public void methodB()
        // No more than two threads should be allowed to
        // execute this method at any one time.
        // The method takes a significant period of time to execute.

    Write a class called Controller which acts as an front end to the Resource class. The Controller should enforce the access contraints on methodA and methodB. Show how the Controller can be used.

Example Question on Memory Management

  1. Explain the approach to memory management in the RTSJ (13 marks).
  2. Consider the following parent real-time thread's scoped memory stack:
  3. this is a gif file

    The parent creates a new schedulable object with an initial memory area of the heap. Draw the new schedulable objects scoped memory stack.  (3 marks)

  4. Consider the following parent real-time thread's scoped memory stack:


    this is a gif file

    The parent creates a new schedulable object with an initial memory area of scopedE. Draw the new schedulable objects scoped memory stack.  (3 marks)

  6. Consider the following parent real-time thread's scoped memory stack: 

    this is a gif file

    The parent creates a new schedulable object with an initial memory area of the heap. Draw the new schedulable objects scoped memory stack.  (3 marks)

  8. Consider the following parent real-time thread's scoped memory stack:


    this is a gif file

    The parent creates a new schedulable object with an initial memory area of scopeE. Draw the new schedulable objects scoped memory stack.  (3 marks)

    Example Question on Asynchronous Transfer of Control plus Asynchronous Event Handler

    1. Explain briefly the RTSJ's models of asynchronous transfer of control and asynchronous event handler (12 marks)
    2. Three tug-boats are towing a disabled tanker carrying toxic chemicals.  Each tug-boat is connected to the tanker via an intelligent steel cable. A supervisor ship has  an on-board computer which monitors the stress on the steel cables and sends  control signals to the on-board computers on the three tugs (via wireless  communication devices).  If one of the cables is in danger of  breaking, it is necessary to instruct all tug-boats to immediately release their cables.

    3.  The control software on the supervisor ship  executes on a single processor and is written in Real-Time Java. An interrupt is  generated when the stress on one of the cables is near breaking point. The Java Virtual  Machine associates the string "BreakingLimit" with this interrupt. The control  software contains the following class declaration for controlling the tug-boats:

      import javax.realtime.*;
      public class TugControl implements Interruptible
        public TugControl(int tid)
           // tid is a Tug identifier

        private void computeAndSendTugCableTension()
            throws AsynchronouslyInterruptedException
          // computationally complex calculations
          // send communication to appropriate tug's on-board computer

        private void sendEmergencyRelease()
          // send a emergency command to the Tug to release the cable

        public void run(AsynchronouslyInterruptedException exception)
            throws AsynchronouslyInterruptedException

        public void interruptAction(
                    AsynchronouslyInterruptedException exception)

      Each tug is represented in the control software by a Real-time Thread
      import javax.realtime.*;
      public class TugThread extends RealtimeThread
        TugControl myTug;
        AsynchronouslyInterruptedException myAIE;

        public TugThread(TugControl tc,
               AsynchronouslyInterruptedException ae)
          myTug = tc;
          myAIE = ae;

        public void run()
           // you fill in

      Show how the above declaration can be used so that when the interrupt  arrives, all TugControl software immediately release their cables.  As well as completing the run method in TugThread, you will need to sketch the implementation of an asynchronous event handler to handle the "Breaking Limit" interrupt, and show how this can be linked to the TugThread and TugControl software by a main method.You may ignore all issues of thread scheduling in your answer. (13 marks)  

  Old Examination Papers and Specimen Answers

Here are some old examination papers.