Welcome to the

2nd Intl. Workshop on Worst Case Execution Time Analysis

Satellite Event to
14th Euromicro Conference on Real- Time Systems

Prechtlsaal, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
June 18th, 2002

Technical Program


Pack of all papers can be downloaded here: [Postscript] [gzipped Postscript] [PDF]


9:30 - 10:45  Session : High Level Analysis
Chair: Isabelle Puaut

A Prototype Tool for Flow Analysis of C Programs   [PDF]
Jan Gustafsson, Björn Lisper, Nerina Bernmudo, Christer Sandberg and Linus Sjöberg
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden

A Novel Gain Time Reclaiming Framework Integrating WCET Analysis for Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems   [PDF]
Erik Yu-Shing Hu, Andy Wellings and Guillem Bernat
University of York, United Kingdom

A Unified Flow Information Language for WCET Analysis   [PDF]
Andreas Ermedahl, Jakob Engblohm and Friedhelm Stappert
Uppsala University, Sweden

10:45 - 11:10  Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:00 Session : Tools
Chair: Jan Gustafsson

WCET Estimation from Object Code Implemented in the PERF Environment   [PDF]
Douglas Renaux, João Goés and Robson Linhares
Laboratory of Embedded Systems Innovation and Technology, Brasil

Status of the BOUND-T WCET Tool   [PDF]
Niklas Holsti and Sami Saarinen
Space Systems Finland Ltd., Espoo, Finland

12:00 - 12:10  Break

12:10 - 13:00  Session : Industrial Views
Chair: Peter Puschner

You Can't Control what you Can't Measure, or Why it's Close to Impossible to Guarantee Real-Time Software Performance on a CPU with On-Chip Cache   [PDF]
Nat Hillary and Ken Madsen
Applied Microsystems Corp./Wind River Sysrems Inc.

The European Space Agency's Involvement and interest in WCET and Scheduling Analysis   [PDF]
Morter Rytter Nielsen, Eric Conquet and Jean-Loup Terraillon
ESA, Nordwjik, Netherlands

13:00 - 14:30  Lunch

14:30 - 15:45 Session : Low Level Analysis
Chair: Stefan Petters

Cache Modelling vs Static Cache Locking for Schedulability Analysis in Multitasking Real-Time Systems   [PDF]
Isabelle Puaut
IRISA, Rennes, France

A Framework to Model Branch Prediction for WCET Analysis   [PDF]
Tulika Mitra and Abhik Roychoudhury
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Difficulties in computing the WCET for Processors with Speculative Execution   [PDF]
Christine Rochange and Pascal Sainrat
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France

15:45 - 16:15 Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:30  Session : Issues in WCET Analysis
Chair: Niklas Holsti

Why You Can't Analyze RTOSs without Considering Applications and Vice Versa   [PDF]
Jörn Schneider
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

How Much Worst Case is Needed in WCET Estimation?   [PDF]
Stefan Petters
University of York, United Kingdom

Is WCET Analysis a Non-Problem? - Towards New Software and Hardware Architectures   [PDF]
Peter Puschner
University of Vienna, Austria

20:00 Social Dinner


Due to the character of the workshop the times given in this schedule might differ slightly. For directions and maps see to the web papes of the Euromicro Conference. Lunch will be served at the HighTea Restaurant just at the back of the University building. Dinner will be held at the Donauturm. Meeting at 8:00 pm at Karlsplatz, university front gate.

For additional details concerning the technical program of the Workshop please contact the program chair:

Dr. Guillem Bernat
Department of Computer Science
University of York
York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 19 04 43 27 72
Email: Guillem.Bernat@cs.york.ac.uk
