If you would like a chat about the lecture material, work through an exercise, or discuss any general problems etc, do drop into CSE145. I find it a lot easier to talk through a problem rather than trying to phrase the perfect email response. My fixed teaching timetables for this year are:
Apart from the above times and the normal unforeseen stuff, office hours are 9:15 - 17:15, if the door is open do come in.
System and Devices 1 : SYS1
Raspberry Pi
Introduction to Computer Architectures : ICAR
Foundations of Electronics, Signals and Circuits : FESC(ESD)
Programming Micro-Controllers : PROM
Dr. Michael Freeman
Department of Computer Science
University of York
YO10 5DD
Office: CSE 145
Tel.: 01904 325473
Email: mjf@cs.york.ac.uk