Languages of morphogenesis
(Modeling of development and developmental computing)
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
Department of Computer Science,University of Calgary
The seminal idea of using computers to model morphogenesis (the
emergence of patterns and forms in living organisms) was introduced in
1952 by Turing. A few years later, Ulam proposed to model
morphogenesis using cellular automata, a (then) non-standard computing
device. In 1968, Lindenmayer extended cellular automata to take
growth and division of cells into account. In spite of this history,
only now the modeling of morphogenesis begins to attract a significant
interest of biologist. This is largely driven by the growing amount
of physiological, molecular, and genetic data, which open an
unprecedented opportunity for understanding development in mechanistic
terms. The modeling and simulations are viewed as a means that may
contribute towards this understanding, by helping extract the
algorithmic essence of the processes being studied. Reciprocally, the
biological applications motivate a further development of modeling
techniques. In the domain of plant modeling, these needs are often
satisfied by extensions of Lindenmayer systems (L-systems).
In my presentation, I will first analyze the key concepts that
underlie the usefulness of L-systems in the modeling of morphogenesis:
(a) the assumption that computing takes place in some space, defined
in topological and/or geometric terms, (b) the identification of the
elements of this space in local terms, and (c) the support for
dynamically changing numbers and configurations of the elements. I
will then outline selected advancements that have been driven by the
modeling and simulation needs, such as: (d) the support for simulating
interactions between the modeled organisms and their environment, (e)
support for specifying large, computationally efficient models, and
(f) coupling of L-systems with other formalisms (e.g., numerical
methods for solving PDEs). I will further show how the identification
of key L-system features guided the development of new formalisms,
which overcame the original limitation of L-systems to linear and
branching structures. The presentations will be illustrated using
examples of biological models and simulations, and
biologically-inspired applications of L-systems and their derivatives
to selected non-biological problems. Current research problems,
including an extension of L-system-inspired techniques to
non-Euclidean spaces, will also be presented.
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