Research centres
Our research centres span several departments and reflect how we collaborate with researchers from different subject areas. Our centres enable us to work across disciplines to tackle major problems that face computer science.
- Centre for Assuring Autonomy (CfAA)
The Centre for Assuring Autonomy is a £12m initiative funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation and the University of York to lead research, training and standards in the safety of robotics and autonomous systems (RAS).
A leading PhD research programme aimed at the Games and Creative Industries.
Our research, housed in a dedicated new building with specialist laboratories and testing facilities, will find solutions to the global challenges in assuring the safety of robotics and connected autonomous systems.
Led by the University of York, the five-year £24m Quantum Communications Hub aims to deliver quantum communications systems that enable secure transactions and transmissions of data across a range of users in real-world applications. This includes work on quantum cryptography and sensing.
YorRobots is an institution-wide initiative bringing together researchers and practitioners with an interest in robotics and autonomous systems, and their applications.