Below is a draft programme for RoboSoft.
Time | Activity/Speaker |
08:55 | Welcome Dame Frances Saunders |
Algorithms | |
09:00 |
Managing software variability for dynamic reconfiguration of robot control systems
Davide Brugali Slides (1.4 MiB) |
09:30 | Discussion |
09:45 |
Evolving Robot Software and Hardware
Gusz Eiben Slides (39.8 MiB) |
10:15 | Discussion |
10:30 | Coffee break |
Modelling | |
11:00 |
Composition, Separation of Roles and Model-Driven Approaches as Enabler of a Robotics Software Ecosystem
Christian Schlegel Slides (6.5 MiB) |
11:30 | Discussion |
11:45 |
The RAFCON Task Control Framework
Sebastian Brunner Slides (146.4 MiB) |
12:15 | Discussion |
12:30 | Lunch |
Time | Activity/Speaker |
Testing | |
13:30 |
Testing Robotic Systems: A New Battlefield!
Arnaud Gotlieb Slides (3.7 MiB) |
14:00 | Discussion |
14:15 |
Gaining Confidence in the Correctness of Robotic and Autonomous Systems
Kerstin Eder Slides (2.4 MiB) |
14:45 | Discussion |
15:00 | Tea |
Ethics and Regulation | |
15:30 |
Ethical Standards in robotics and AI: what are they and why they matter
Alan Winfield Slides (11.5 MiB) |
16:00 | Discussion |
16:15 |
Verifiable Autonomy and Responsible Robotics
Michael Fisher Slides (4.8 MiB) |
16:45 | Discussion |
17:00 | Close |
17:00-19:00 | Evening reception |
Time | Activity/Speaker |
Formal Verification | |
09:00 |
Verification of Autonomous Robots, a Roboticist Bottom Up Approach
Félix Ingrand Slides (57.5 MiB) |
09:30 | Discussion |
09:45 |
RoboStar technology - a roboticist’s toolbox for combined proof and sound simulation
Ana Cavalcanti Slides (11.8 MiB) |
10:15 | Discussion |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 |
A software framework for interoperable, plug-and-play distributed robotic systems of systems
Rob Skilton Slides (2.1 MiB) |
11:30 | Discussion |
11:45 |
Systematic automated testing of Robotic Systems based on Formal Models
Rob Hierons Slides (2.0 MiB) |
12:15 | Discussion |
12:30 | Lunch |
Time | Activity/Speaker |
Formal Verification | |
13:30 |
Making robots usable in everyday life
Patrizio Pelliccione Slides (92.3 MiB) |
14:00 | Discussion |
14:15 |
Modelling uncertainty in RoboChart using probability
Jim Woodcock Slides (1.2 MiB) |
14:45 | Discussion |
15:00 | Tea |
Certification | |
15:30 |
Extending automotive certification processes to handle autonomous vehicles
Zeyn Saigol Slides (2.4 MiB) |
16:00 | Discussion |
16:15 | Panel: Ethics and Regulation
Chaired by Jon Timmis
17:00 | Close |