An Evolutionary Autonomous Agent with Visual Cortex and Recurrent Spiking Columnar Neural NetworkRich Drewes1, James Maciokas1, Sushil J. Louis2, and Philip Goodman1 1Brain Computation Laboratory
2Evolutionary Computing Systems Lab, University of Nevada, Reno NV 89557, USA
Abstract. Spiking neural networks are computationally more powerful than conventional artificial neural networks [1]. Although this fact should make them especially desirable for use in evolutionary autonomous agent research, several factors have limited their application. This work demonstrates an evolutionary agent with a sizeable recurrent spiking neural network containing a biologically motivated columnar visual cortex. This model is instantiated in spiking neural network simulation software and challenged with a dynamic image recognition and memory task. We use a genetic algorithm to evolve generations of this brain model that instinctively perform progressively better on the task. This early work builds a foundation for determining which features of biological neural networks are important for evolving capable dynamic cognitive agents. LNCS 3102, p. 257 f. lncs@springer.de