Distributed Constraint Satisfaction, Restricted Recombination, and Hybrid Genetic SearchGerry Dozier, Hurley Cunningham, Winard Britt, and Funing Zhang Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auburn University, AL 36849-5347gvdozier@eng.auburn.edu Abstract. In this paper, we present simple and genetic forms of an evolutionary paradigm known as a society of hill-climbers (SoHC). We compare these simple and genetic SoHCs on a test suite of 400 randomly generated distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSPs) that are composed of asymmetric constraints (referred to as DisACSPs). Our results show that all of the genetic SoHCs dramatically outperform the simple SoHC even at the phase transition where the most difficult DisACSPs reside. LNCS 3102, p. 1078 ff. lncs@springer.de