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Future safety critical real-time systems will be built using generic architectures which support integrated systems. To facilitate long development times and long service requirements, it is necessary to allow hardware resources to be replaced with new ones, either in the field or during scheduled maintenance, without changing the application software. This ambitions can only be fulfiled if the software is portable at the byte code level.The strategic goal of this research is to investigate the extent to which Java and its associated portable code can be used in the construction of safety critical real-time systems containing applications of various criticality levels. We use the framework developed by the HRG for its work on high-integrity Ada apply it in a Java context. The emerging Real-Time Java is also evaluated with the aim of producing a concurrency subset which can be used in safety critical systems.


Status Finished
UoY Lead Neil Audsley
UoY People on Project Alan Burns, Andy Wellings
Funded By EPSRC
Start Date 01-10-2000
End Date 30-06-2004
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