T-CREST: Time-predictable Multi-Core Architecture for Embedded Systems

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Safety-critical systems are important parts of our daily life. Those systems are also called dependable systems, as our lives can depend on them. Examples are navigation controllers in an aeroplane, breaking controller in a car, or a train control system. Those safety-critical systems need to be certified and the maximum execution time needs to be bounded and known so that response times can be assured when critical actions are needed.

The T-CREST project is developing a time-predictable system that will simplify the safety argument with respect to maximum execution time while striving to double performance for 4 cores and to be 4 times faster for 16 cores than a standard processor of the same technology (e.g. FPGA). The ultimate goal of the T-CREST system will be to lower costs for safety relevant applications, reducing system complexity and at the same time achieving faster time-predictable execution.


Status Finished
UoY Lead Neil Audsley
UoY People on Project Bharath Sudev, Jack Whitham
Partners Technical University of Denmark, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik, GMV, Intecs, Technical University of Eindhoven, Technical University of Vienna, The Open Group, University of York
Funded By EU, Marie Curie ITN
Start Date 01-09-2011
End Date 31-08-2014
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