Random Arrivals in Fixed Priority Analysis
I. Broster and A. Burns
Fixed priority worst case response time analysis is well studied and is widely used in many real systems to guarantee deadline-based timing requirements in concurrent systems. This paper addresses the use of a non-bounded interference function in analysis. An outline of a probabilistic analysis is presented which is based on a simple random arrival model. The analysis produces a probability distribution of response times. The analysis is derived from an analysis of random faults on CAN and inherits some limitations from this.
BibTex Entry
@inproceedings{Broster2004a, address = {Pisa, Italy}, author = {I. Broster and A. Burns}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Probabilistic Analysis Techniques for Real-time Systems (PARTES2004)}, month = {Sept}, organization = {EMSOFT}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Random Arrivals in Fixed Priority Analysis}, year = {2004} }