This paper extends analysis of the Adaptive Mixed Criticality (AMC) scheme for fixed-priority preemptive scheduling of mixed-criticality systems to include tasks with arbitrary deadlines. Both of the previously published schedulability tests, AMC-rtb and AMC-max are extended to cater for tasks with deadlines that may be greater than their periods. Evaluations show that the simpler method, AMC-rtb-Arb, remains a viable approach that performs almost as well as the more complex alternative, AMC-max-Arb, when tasks with arbitrary deadlines are considered.

BibTex Entry

 author = {Alan Burns and Robert I. Davis},
 booktitle = {Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems (WMC 2017)},
 month = {Dec},
 title = {Response Time Analysis for Mixed Criticality Systems with Arbitrary Deadlines},
 year = {2017}