This paper describes the motivation, design, analysis and implementation of a newprotocol for critical wireless communication called AirTight. Wireless communication hasbecome a crucial part of the infrastructure of many cyber-physical applications.Many of these applications are real-time and also mixed-criticality, in that they havecomponents/subsystems with different consequences of failure. Wireless communicationis inevitably subject to levels of external interference. In this paper we represent thisinterference using a criticality-aware fault model; for each level of interference inthe fault model we guarantee the timing behaviour of the protocol (i.e.~we guaranteethat packet deadlines are satisfied for certainly levels of criticality).Although a new protocol, AirTight is built upon existing standards such as IEEE 802.15.4.A prototype implementation and protocol-accurate simulator,which are also built upon existing technologies, demonstratethe effectiveness and functionality of the protocol.
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BibTex Entry

 author = {Alan Burns and Harbin, {James Robert} and {Soares Indrusiak}, Leandro and Bate, {Iain John} and Davis, {Robert Ian} and Griffin, {David Jack}},
 booktitle = {IEEE Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications},
 day = {1},
 language = {English},
 month = {8},
 note = {{\circledC} IEEE, 2018. This is an author-produced version of the published paper. Uploaded in accordance with the publisher’s self-archiving policy. Further copying may not be permitted; contact the publisher for details},
 pure_url = {},
 title = {AirTight: A Resilient Wireless Communication Protocol for Mixed-Criticality Systems},
 year = {2018}