This position paper outlines the innovative probabilistic approach being taken by the EU Integrated Project PROXIMA to the analysis of the timing behaviour of mixed criticality real-time systems. PROXIMA supports multi-core and mixed criticality systems timing analysis by use probabilistic techniques and hardware/software architectures that reduce dependencies which affect timing. The approach is being applied to DO-178B/C and ISO26262.
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 author = {R.I. Davis and T.Vardanega and J.Andersson and F.Vatrinet and M. Pearce and I. Broster and M. Azkarate-Askasua and F. Wartel and L. Cucu-Grosjean and  G. Farrall M. Patte and F.J. Cazorla},
 journal = {Ada User Journal},
 number = {2},
 pages = {118--122},
 title = {PROXIMA: A Probabilistic Approach to the Timing Behaviour of Mixed-Criticality Systems},
 year = {2014}