In automotive embedded real-time systems, such as the engine control unit, there are tasks that are activated whenever the crankshaft arrives at a specific angular position. As a consequence the frequency of activation changes with the crankshaft’s angular speed (i.e., engine rpm). Additionally, execution times and deadlines may also depend on angular speeds and positions. This paper provides a survey on schedulability analysis techniques for tasks with this rate-dependent behaviour. It covers different task-models and analysis methods for both fixed priority and earliest deadline first scheduling. A taxonomy of the different analysis methods, classifying them according to the assumptions made and the precision of the analysis, is provided at the end of the paper.
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BibTex Entry

 author = {Timo Feld and  Alessandro Biondi and Robert I. Davis and Giorgio Buttazzo and Frank Slomka},
 journal = {Journal of Systems and Software,},
 month = {Dec},
 pages = {100--107},
 title = {A Survey of Schedulability Analysis Techniques for Rate-Dependent Tasks},
 year = {2017}