Dynamic Ceiling Priorities and Ada 95
J. Real and A. J. Wellings
Ada 95 provides dynamic priorities for tasks but ceiling priorities for protected objects are statically assigned by means of a pragma. The semantic complexity as well as the potential inefficiency of any resulting implementation seem to have been the main objections to including dynamic ceilings in Ada 95. Nevertheless, in frequent scenarios such as multi-moded real-time systems, it is desirable for ceiling priorities to be dynamic, to accommodate the different priority assignments given to tasks in the different modes. This problem is usually worked around by applying the so-called ceiling of ceilings as a static ceiling for all modes, which may result in lower schedulability as extra blocking potentially occurs. In this paper we investigate on how to use a hypothetical
BibTex Entry
@inproceedings{Real1999b, author = {J. Real and A. J. Wellings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Real Time Ada Workshop, ACM Ada Letters}, category = {scheduling,languages}, pages = {41-48}, title = {Dynamic Ceiling Priorities and Ada 95}, year = {1999} }