Integrating OOP and tasking: the missing requeue
A.J. Wellings and A. Burns
Ada 2005 has provided limited integration between its object-oriented programming and tasking facilities. The compromise has been to allow tasks and protected types to support interfaces but not inheritance. Whilst the language supports timed/conditional entry calls and the select-thenabort statement using interfaces, it does not allow the target of a requeue statement to be determined via an interface. This paper argues that this design decision needlessly limits the expressive power of the language. A motivating example is used to illustrate the case, and the semantics of the proposed language extension are discussed.
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BibTex Entry
@inproceedings{Wellings2007c, author = {A.J. Wellings and A. Burns}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IRTAW 13, Ada Letters, XXVII(2)}, pages = {23-28}, title = {Integrating OOP and tasking: the missing requeue}, year = {2007} }