Requirements for a real-time .NET framework
A. Zerzelidis and A. J. Wellings
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a comparatively new technology that has already gained considerable momentum. Its user base and popularity is expanding. In addition, it offers a number of important traits, such as code portability and cross-language development. It is these features that have attracted our attention into investigating the possibility of using .NET for architecture -neutral real-time systems. As a result, this paper tries to set the groundwork for implementing a real-time version of the Microsoft .NET Framework by specifying a set of requirements.
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@article{Zerzelidis2005, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {A. Zerzelidis and A. J. Wellings}, doi = {}, issn = {0362-1340}, journal = {SIGPLAN Not.}, number = {2}, pages = {41--50}, publisher = {ACM Press}, title = {Requirements for a real-time .NET framework}, volume = {40}, year = {2005} }