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Message from the General Chair

I would like to welcome you all to IEEE MASS 2009 in University of Macau. After the success of the past several years, IEEE MASS has become an important conference in the field, and it is my honor to serve as this year's General Chair.  The technical program of this year's MASS conference consists of an exceptional set of workshops, keynote speeches, an outstanding technical program and demos.  The keynote speeches will be given by Jason Yi-bing Lin and Sajal Das. The workshops are MeshTech, WSNS, AAWSN, TSP, WiNA, and InVeNet.

Many people have helped make this conference a success. First of all, I would like to thank University of Macau and President Wei Zhao for providing generous support to the conference. I would also like to thank the organizing committee for their excellent service. In particular I would like to thank TPC Co-Chairs Doug Blough and Xiaohua Jia, TPC Vice-Chairs Paolo Santi, Jiannong Cao, Eylem Ekici, and Xiuzhen Cheng. Many thanks go to the Workshop Chair Ivan Stojmenovic, who did an excellent job of attracting six high quality workshops. The individual Workshop chairs worked hard to put together fine programs of workshops that kick off a wonderful start of MASS 2009. I acknowledge the efforts of our Demonstration Chair Lin Gu, Finance and Registration Chair Zhen Jiang, and the Publication Chair Dajin Wang for their wonderful and time consuming services to MASS 2009.  I would like to thank our Publicity Co-Chairs Guihai Chen, Guoliang Xing, and Yan Zhang. The final members of the Organizing Committee I would like to thank are Zhiguo Gong and Jingzhi Guo, the Local Arrangements Co-Chairs.  They worked very hard in coordinating with hotels, making arrangement of conference venues and social events.

I am grateful to the IEEE MASS Steering Committee, chaired by Dharma Agrawal and Jie Wu.  They have offered timely advices and done a fantastic job of enabling MASS to continue to prosper.

I gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation, and IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communication.  In particular we acknowledge the support from TCDP of $10K and from TCSIM of $2K for travel grants and the Best Paper Award.  I would also like to acknowledge the US NSF for the generous support of $12,750 towards student travel.

I hope you enjoy the conference and exciting Macau.

Lionel M. Ni
General Chair, IEEE MASS, 2009

Message from the Program Chairs

We are pleased to present to you the technical program of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2009) held in Macau, October 12-15, 2009. The Technical Program Committee has assembled a strong and diverse program, covering a wide range of technical topics, with papers from all parts of the world, and including both academic and industrial contributions.

 In response to the call for papers, there were 252 papers submitted from five continents: Asia , Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America.  The process of selecting the final program from these submissions was as follows.  During submission, authors selected one of four tracks for their paper: 1) Algorithms and Theory, 2) Data Management and Information Processing, 3) MAC and Cross-Layer Technologies, and 4) Protocols, Systems, and Applications .  After some shifting of papers among tracks for load balancing purposes, Program Vice Chairs for each of these tracks assigned Program Committee members as reviewers for all papers.  Papers received three or more in-depth reviews from Program Committee members.  After selection of definite accept and definite reject papers, extensive discussions of the remaining papers were held among reviewers, TPC Vice Chairs, and TPC Chairs to choose the remainder of the program. The selection process this year was extremely competitive with 62 papers chosen for an acceptance rate of 24.6%.  The average review score for the selected papers was 4.0/5.0, with 5.0 representing a "strong accept" recommendation.  As a result of the very large number of outstanding submissions, many high quality papers, unfortunately, could not be included.  The geographical distribution of the accepted papers is as follows: Asia: 18.5 (29.8 %), Europe: 11 (17.7%), North America: 31.5 (50.8%), and Oceania: 1 (1.6%).

The MASS 2009 technical program consists of 9 parallel sessions (two tracks each), 2 keynote talks, and one demo session. Keynote speakers include Jason Yi-Bing Lin from National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan.  In addition to the main conference program, six pre-conference workshops have been organized on October 12.

 The success of this conference program organization would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of many individuals. We express our sincere appreciation to the conference's General Chair, Lionel Ni, Honorary General Chair, Wei Zhao, and the Steering Committee for their valuable guidance and strong support. We also thank the Program Committee members and external referees for their diligent work in reviewing and helping to select papers of exceptional quality. We wish to express our highest gratitude to the four Program Vice Chairs: Jiannong Cao (MAC and Cross Layer), Susan Cheng (Protocols, Systems, Applications), Eylem Ekici (Data Management and Information Processing), and Paolo Santi (Algorithms and Theory).  These four individuals invested enormous time in reviewer assignment and paper selection, and we could not have managed without their valuable contributions.  Finally, we thank the authors of submitted papers as well as all of you for attending the conference. We hope you enjoy the technical program of MASS 2009!

Douglas M. Blough and Xiaohua Jia
Co-Chairs, Technical Program Committee

Message from the Workshop Chairs

The workshops associated with MASS 2009 feature diverse, trending topics on ad-hoc and sensor networks, each serving as a focused extension of the main conference. The six workshops organized this year are:

  • The Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security
    (WSNS 2009)
  • The Third IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies and Standards for Wireless Mesh Networking (MeshTech 2009)
  • International Workshop on Advanced Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks (WAASN'09)
  • International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Pervasive Applications
  • The Second International Workshop on Wireless Network Algorithms and Theory
  • International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicular Networks (InVeNet 2009)

These six workshops are independently managed by the corresponding workshop organizers. One workshop is named 'symposium' due to the number of received submissions, which resulted in holding it in two parallel tracks. A total of 74 papers are selected to be included in the proceedings of the conference. The topics of workshops cover mesh networks, trust, security and privacy for pervasive applications, vehicular networks, and various aspects of ad-hoc and sensor networks including applications, algorithms and theory, and security. Each workshop will provide a forum for leading researchers to engage in a less formal and more focused discussion on these important areas.

We would like to thank all the workshop organizers for their outstanding work in organizing these stimulating workshops and the program committee members of these workshops for ensuring the high quality of all accepted papers. Authors and reviewers gave invaluable contributions to the success. Special thanks also go to the General Chair Xiaohua Jia and Publication Chair Dajin Wang for their timely responses and guidance on various organizing issues we faced.

Ivan Stojmenovic
University of Ottawa, Canada
Workshops Chair MASS 2009




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