Portable Code for Complex, Critical Systems
N. Audsley, I. Bate and A. Grigg
A common requirement on future safety-critical systems is to support hardware interchangeability, e.g. Integrated Modular Avionic systems. Interchangeability facilitates technology upgrades within a system when components become obsolete. This occurs due as hardware computer components are often superseded within a few years, whereas the total system may have a lifetime of decades. Hardware interchangeability, implies that software needs to be moved to a new platform and execute with minimal rework or disturbance to the rest of the system. Movement of software to a new (different) hardware platform is a difficult proposition without significant rework. For safety-critical systems, the rework could include substantial test, analysis, verification and validation efforts, adding to the overall cost of the change. In this paper, the problem of movement of software to a new platform is considered, within the critical systems domain. The solution to the problem proposed in this paper is
BibTex Entry
@inproceedings{Audsley1999, author = {N. Audsley and I. Bate and A. Grigg}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'99)}, category = {design,languages}, month = {Dec}, optaddress = {}, optannote = {}, optcrossref = {}, opteditor = {}, optkey = {}, optnote = {}, optnumber = {}, optorganization = {}, optpublisher = {}, optseries = {}, optvolume = {}, pages = {111-119}, title = {Portable Code for Complex, Critical Systems}, year = {1999} }