Dual Priority Scheduling: Is the Processor Utilisation bound 100%?
A. Burns
Fixed priority (FP) schemes have the disadvantage that processor utilisations less than 100% must be tolerated if a system is to be guaranteed off-line. By comparison earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling can theoretically utilise all of a processor’s capacity. In this paper the dual priority scheme is revisited: here a task may execute in two phases; each phase has a static priority assigned, the transition from one phase to another is made at a fixed offset in time from the release of the task.
BibTex Entry
@inproceedings{Burns2010b, author = {A. Burns}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar, RTSOPS 2010}, editor = {R.I. Davis and N. Fisher}, pages = {3-4}, title = {Dual Priority Scheduling: Is the Processor Utilisation bound 100%?}, year = {2010} }