Practical and Theoretical Considerations on Low-Power Probability-Codes for Networks-on-Chip
A. Garcia-Ortiz and L. Soares Indrusiak
Low-power coding represents an important technique to reduce consumption in modern interconnect architectures. In the case of Network-on-Chip, and specially if they include virtual channels, the coding techniques require to be effective (large reduction of transition activity) and extremely efficient (reduced hardware resources). This work proposes a coding template called PM with those characteristics. Moreover, it shows with a detailed theoretical analysis and a number of experiments the good characteristics of the approach. Some relevant theoretical results on Exact Probability Coding are also developed in the paper.
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BibTex Entry
@inproceedings{Garcia-Ortiz2011, author = {A. Garcia-Ortiz and L. Soares Indrusiak}, booktitle = {Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation - 20th International Workshop, PATMOS 2010}, editor = {Rene van Leuken and Gilles Sicard}, pages = {160-169}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {Practical and Theoretical Considerations on Low-Power Probability-Codes for Networks-on-Chip}, volume = {6448/2011}, year = {2011} }