Embedded Systems Week Author Index

Hamann, A.

CASES'06: Methods for Power Optimization in Distributed Embedded Systems with Real-Time Requirements (page 379)

CODES+ISSS'06: A Formal Approach to Robustness Maximization of Complex Heterogeneous Embedded Systems (page 40)

Hamon, G.

EMSOFT'06: Mixing Signals and Modes in Synchronous Data-flow Systems (page 73)

Han, C.-C.

EMSOFT'06: Multi-level Software Reconfiguration for Sensor Networks (page 112)

Han, H.

CASES'06: Protected Heap Sharing for Memory-Constrained Java Environments (page 212)

Hardnett, C. R.

CASES'06: Compiler Optimization of Embedded Applications for an Adaptive SoC Architecutre (page 312)

Hazelwood, K.

CASES'06: A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine for the ARM Architecture (page 261)

Hefner, A. R.

CASES'06: Modeling Heterogeneous SoCs with SystemC: A Digital/MEMS Case Study (page 54)

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Hempstead, M.

CASES'06: Architecture and Circuit Techniques for Low-Throughput, Energy-Constrained Systems Across Technology Generations (page 368)

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Henkel, J.

CODES+ISSS'06: Bounded Arbitration Algorithm for QoS-Supported On-chip Communication (page 76)

Henzinger, T. A.

EMSOFT'06: A Hierarchical Coordination Language for Interacting Real-Time Tasks (page 132)

Hermenegildo, M.

CASES'06: High-Level Languages for Small Devices: A Case Study (page 271)

Hines, S.

CASES'06: Adapting Compilation Techniques to Enhance the Packing of Instructions into Registers (page 43)

Hiroaki, T.

CODES+ISSS'06: Pack Instruction Generation for Media Processors Using Multi-valued Decision Diagram (page 154)

Hohenauer, M.

CODES+ISSS'06: Retargetable Code Optimization with SIMD Instructions (page 148)

Holsmark, R.

CODES+ISSS'06: A Methodology for Design of Application Specific Deadlock-free Routing Algorithms for NoC Systems (page 142)

Hong, S.

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

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Hoover, G.

CASES'06: Extensible Control Architectures (page 323)

CASES'06: A Case Study of Multi-Threading in the Embedded Space (page 357)

Hormati, A.

CASES'06: Scalable Subgraph Mapping for Acyclic Computation Accelerators (page 147)

Hsieh, W.-W.

CODES+ISSS'06: A Bus Architecture for Crosstalk Elimination in High Performance Processor Design (page 247)

Hu, X. S.

CASES'06: Methods for Power Optimization in Distributed Embedded Systems with Real-Time Requirements (page 379)

Hu, X.

CASES'06: High-performance Packet Classification Algorithm for Many-core and Multithreaded Network Processor (page 334)

Hua, B.

CASES'06: High-performance Packet Classification Algorithm for Many-core and Multithreaded Network Processor (page 334)

Hwang, J.

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

Hwang, T. T.

CODES+ISSS'06: A Bus Architecture for Crosstalk Elimination in High Performance Processor Design (page 247)

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Iercan, D.

EMSOFT'06: A Hierarchical Coordination Language for Interacting Real-Time Tasks (page 132)

Ignjatovic, A.

CODES+ISSS'06: Application Specific Forwarding Network and Instruction Encoding for Multi-pipe ASIPs (page 241)

Imai, M.

CODES+ISSS'06: Pack Instruction Generation for Media Processors Using Multi-valued Decision Diagram (page 154)

Issenin, I.

CASES'06: Mitigating Soft Error Failures for Multimedia Applications by Selective Data Protection (page 411)

CODES+ISSS'06: Data Reuse Driven Energy-Aware MPSoC Co-Synthesis of Memory and Communication Architecture for Streaming Applications (page 294)

Ivers, M.

CODES+ISSS'06: Integrated Analysis of Communicating Tasks in MPSoCs (page 288)

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Jackson, E. K.

EMSOFT'06: Towards A Formal Foundation For Domain Specific Modeling Languages (page 53)

Jacob, B.

CASES'06: Modeling Heterogeneous SoCs with SystemC: A Digital/MEMS Case Study (page 54)

Jang, C.

CASES'06: A Dynamic Code Placement Technique for Scratchpad Memory Using Postpass Optimization (page 223)

Jansen, P.

CODES+ISSS'06: Efficient Computation of Buffer Capacities for Multi-Rate Real-Time Systems with Back-Pressure (page 10)

Jerraya, A. A.

CODES+ISSS'06: Invited Paper: SHAPES: A Tiled Scalable Software Hardware Architecture Platform for Embedded Systems (page 167)

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Jha, N. K.

CODES+ISSS'06: Architectural Support for Safe Software Execution on Embedded Processors (page 106)

Jin, HS.

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

Jo, H.

EMSOFT'06: A Superblock-based Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory (page 161)

Joo, Y.

CODES+ISSS'06: Demand Paging for OneNANDTM Flash eXecute-In-Place (page 229)

Jouppi, N.

CASES'06: Improving the Performance and Power Efficiency of Shared Helpers in CMPs (page 345)

Jung, D.

CASES'06: CFLRU: A Replacement Algorithm for Flash Memory (page 234)

Jung, D.-H.

CASES'06: Supporting Precise Garbage Collection in Java Bytecode-to-C Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Embedded Systems (page 35)

EMSOFT'06: Efficient Exception Handling in Java Bytecode-to-C Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Embedded Systems (page 188)

Juurlink, B.

CASES'06: Limitations of Special-Purpose Instructions for Similarity Measurements in Media SIMD Extensions (page 293)

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Kaakani, Z.

EMSOFT'06: Schedulable Persistence System for Real-Time Applications in Virtual Machine (page 195)

Kang, J.-u.

CASES'06: CFLRU: A Replacement Algorithm for Flash Memory (page 234)

EMSOFT'06: A Superblock-based Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory (page 161)

Karl, W.

CASES'06: A Network Agent for Diagnosis and Analysis of Real-time Ethernet Networks (page 65)

Kawamura, S.

CODES+ISSS'06: Tutorial 2: Automotive Electronics: System, Software, and Local Area Network (page 2)

Kejariwal, A.

CODES+ISSS'06: Invited Paper: Challenges in Exploitation of Loop Parallelism in Embedded Applications (page 173)

Keung, K.-M.

CASES'06: State Space Reconfigurability: An Implementation Architecture for Self Modifying Finite Automata (page 83)

Kgil, T.

CASES'06: FlashCache: A NAND Flash Memory File Cache for Low Power Web Servers (page 103)

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Khouri, K.

CODES+ISSS'06: Floorplan Driven Leakage Power Aware IP-Based SoC Design Space Exploration (page 118)

Kim, C.

CASES'06: A Dynamic Code Placement Technique for Scratchpad Memory Using Postpass Optimization (page 223)

Kim, D.

CODES+ISSS'06: Phase Guided Sampling for Efficient Parallel Application Simulation (page 187)

Kim, J.

EMSOFT'06: Energy-Efficient File Placement Techniques for Heterogeneous Mobile Storage Systems (page 171)

Kim, J.-s.

CASES'06: CFLRU: A Replacement Algorithm for Flash Memory (page 234)

EMSOFT'06: A Superblock-based Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory (page 161)

Kim, Janghwan

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

Kim, Jeongeun

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

Kim, K.-H.

CODES+ISSS'06: Invited Talk: Key Technologies for the Next Generation Wireless Communications (page 266)

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Kim, M.

CODES+ISSS'06: Design Space Exploration of Real-time Multi-media MPSoCs with Heterogeneous Scheduling Policies (page 16)

Kim, T.

CODES+ISSS'06: Thermal-Aware High-level Synthesis Based on Network Flow Method (page 124)

Kim, Y.-J.

EMSOFT'06: Energy-Efficient File Placement Techniques for Heterogeneous Mobile Storage Systems (page 171)

Kirsch, C. M.

EMSOFT'06: A Hierarchical Coordination Language for Interacting Real-Time Tasks (page 132)

Klauser, A.

CASES'06: A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine for the ARM Architecture (page 261)

Klein, P.

CASES'06: Modeling Heterogeneous SoCs with SystemC: A Digital/MEMS Case Study (page 54)

Ko, D.-I.

CODES+ISSS'06: The Pipeline Decomposition Tree: An Analysis Tool for Multiprocessor Implementation of Image Processing Applications (page 52)

Kong, J.-T.

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

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Konishi, M.

CASES'06: An Accurate and Efficient Simulation-Based Analysis for Worst Case Interruption Delay (page 2)

Kozintsev, I.

CODES+ISSS'06: Phase Guided Sampling for Efficient Parallel Application Simulation (page 187)

Krintz, C.

CODES+ISSS'06: A Run-Time, Feedback-Based Energy Estimation Model for Embedded Devices (page 28)

Kudlur, M.

CASES'06: Modulo Graph Embedding: Mapping Applications onto Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (page 136)

CODES+ISSS'06: Steamroller: Automatic Synthesis of Prescribed Throughput Accelerator Pipelines (page 270)

CODES+ISSS'06: Increasing Hardware Efficiency with Multifunction Loop Accelerators (page 276)

Kumar, S.

CODES+ISSS'06: A Methodology for Design of Application Specific Deadlock-free Routing Algorithms for NoC Systems (page 142)

Kurdahi, F.

CODES+ISSS'06: Floorplan Driven Leakage Power Aware IP-Based SoC Design Space Exploration (page 118)

CODES+ISSS'06: System-Level Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Bus Matrix Communication Architecture Synthesis (page 300)

Kwon, K.-T.

EMSOFT'06: Energy-Efficient File Placement Techniques for Heterogeneous Mobile Storage Systems (page 171)

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Lawall, J. L.

EMSOFT'06: Energy Adaptation for Multimedia Information Kiosks (page 223)

Lee, E. A.

EMSOFT'06: A Causality Interface for Deadlock Analysis in Dataflow (page 44)

Lee, H.-H. S.

CASES'06: Reducing Energy of Virtual Cache Synonym Lookup using Bloom Filters (page 179)

CASES'06: Entropy-Based Low Power Data TLB Design (page 304)

Lee, I.

EMSOFT'06: An Analysis Framework for Network-Code Programs (page 122)

EMSOFT'06: Incremental Schedulability Analysis of Hierarchical Real-Time Components (page 272)

Lee, J.

CASES'06: Supporting Precise Garbage Collection in Java Bytecode-to-C Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Embedded Systems (page 35)

CASES'06: CFLRU: A Replacement Algorithm for Flash Memory (page 234)

EMSOFT'06: A Superblock-based Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory (page 161)

EMSOFT'06: Efficient Exception Handling in Java Bytecode-to-C Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Embedded Systems (page 188)

EMSOFT'06: Scratchpad Memory Management for Portable Systems with a Memory Management Unit (page 321)

CASES'06: A Dynamic Code Placement Technique for Scratchpad Memory Using Postpass Optimization (page 223)

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Lee, K.

CASES'06: Mitigating Soft Error Failures for Multimedia Applications by Selective Data Protection (page 411)

Lee, S. E.

CODES+ISSS'06: Increasing the Throughput of an Adaptive Router in Network-on-Chip (NoC) (page 82)

Lee, Sangwoo

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

Lee, Sheayun

CODES+ISSS'06: Creation and Utilization of a Virtual Platform for Embedded Software Optimization: An Industrial Case Study (page 235)

Lee, W.

CODES+ISSS'06: B2Sim: A Fast Micro-Architecture Simulator Based on Basic Block Characterization (page 199)

Lee, Y.-H.

EMSOFT'06: Schedulable Persistence System for Real-Time Applications in Virtual Machine (page 195)

Leupers, R.

CODES+ISSS'06: Retargetable Code Optimization with SIMD Instructions (page 148)

CODES+ISSS'06: Invited Paper: SHAPES: A Tiled Scalable Software Hardware Architecture Platform for Embedded Systems (page 167)

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Lim, P.

CODES+ISSS'06: Thermal-Aware High-level Synthesis Based on Network Flow Method (page 124)

Lipskoch, H.

CODES+ISSS'06: Battery Discharge Aware Energy Feasibility Analysis (page 22)

Liu, A.-H.

CODES+ISSS'06: Automatic Run-Time Extraction of Communication Graphs from Multithreaded Applications (page 46)

Liu, D.

CASES'06: High-performance Packet Classification Algorithm for Many-core and Multithreaded Network Processor (page 334)

Löb, H.-P.

CASES'06: A Network Agent for Diagnosis and Analysis of Real-time Ethernet Networks (page 65)

Loechner, V.

CASES'06: Memory Optimization by Counting Points in Integer Transformations of Parametric Polytopes (page 74)

Loh, G. H.

CASES'06: Entropy-Based Low Power Data TLB Design (page 304)

Luk, W.

CASES'06: Incremental Elaboration for Run-Time Reconfigurable Hardware Designs (page 93)