Embedded Systems Week Author Index


Abdelwahed, Sherif

EMSOFT’07: Performance Estimation of Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems by Discrete Event Simulations (page 183)

Abe, Tsuyoshi

CODES+ISSS’07: Dynamic Security Domain Scaling on Symmetric Multiprocessors for Future High-End Embedded Systems (page 39)

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Absar, Javed

CODES+ISSS’07: Locality Optimization in Wireless Applications (page 125)

Acar, Emrah

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Ahn, Seongjun

EMSOFT’07: Block Recycling Schemes and Their Cost-Based Optimization in NAND Flash Memory Based Storage System (page 174)

Ahn, Seongjun

EMSOFT’07: Uniformity Improving Page Allocation for Flash Memory File Systems (page 154)

Akesson, Benny

CODES+ISSS’07: Predator: A Predictable SDRAM Memory Controller (page 251)

Al Khatib, Iyad

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Analysis and Design Space Exploration for High-End Biomedical Applications: Challenges and Solutions (page 217)

Albertini, Bruno

CODES+ISSS’07: A Computational Reflection Mechanism to Support Platform Debugging in SystemC (page 81)

Almeida, Luis

EMSOFT’07: A Dynamic Scheduling Approach to Designing Flexible Safety-Critical Systems (page 67)

Altmeyer, Sebastian

EMSOFT’07: Optimal Task Placement to Improve Cache Performance (page 259)

Ambrose, Jude Angelo

CODES+ISSS’07: A Smart Random Code Injection to Mask Power Analysis Based Side Channel Attacks (page 51)

Anand, Madhukar

EMSOFT’07: A Dynamic Scheduling Approach to Designing Flexible Safety-Critical Systems (page 67)

Andrews, Gregory

EMSOFT’07: The Revenge of the Overlay: Automatic Compaction of OS Kernel Code via On-Demand Code Loading (page 75)

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Araujo, Cristiano

CODES+ISSS’07: A Computational Reflection Mechanism to Support Platform Debugging in SystemC (page 81)

Araujo, Guido

CODES+ISSS’07: A Computational Reflection Mechanism to Support Platform Debugging in SystemC (page 81)

Ascheid, Gerd

CODES+ISSS’07: A Code-Generator Generator for Multi-Output Instructions (page 131)

CASES’07: A Fast and Generic Hybrid Simulation Approach Using C Virtual Machine (page 3)

CODES+ISSS’07: HySim: A Fast Simulation Framework for Embedded Software Development (page 75)

Atienza, David

CODES+ISSS’07: Temperature-Aware Processor Frequency Assignment for MPSoCs Using Convex Optimization (page 111)

Auerbach, Joshua

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

Azevedo, Williams

CODES+ISSS’07: A Computational Reflection Mechanism to Support Platform Debugging in SystemC (page 81)

Bacon, David F.

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

Badea, Carmen

CASES’07: A Simplified Java Bytecode Compilation System for Resource-Constrained Embedded Processors (page 218)

Baek, Seungjae

EMSOFT’07: Uniformity Improving Page Allocation for Flash Memory File Systems (page 154)

Baiocchi, José

CASES’07: Fragment Cache Management for Dynamic Binary Translators in Embedded Systems with Scratchpad (page 75)

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Baker, Michael A.

CODES+ISSS’07: Smart Driver for Power Reduction in Next Generation Bistable Electrophoretic Display Technology (page 197)

Bardsley, Andrew

CASES’07: Performance-Driven Syntax-Directed Synthesis of Asynchronous Processors (page 43)

Barros, Edna

CODES+ISSS’07: A Computational Reflection Mechanism to Support Platform Debugging in SystemC (page 81)

Barua, Rajeev

CASES’07: Recursive Function Data Allocation to Scratch-Pad Memory (page 65)

CASES’07: Scratch-Pad Memory Allocation without Compiler Support for Java Applications (page 85)

Behnam, Moris

EMSOFT’07: SIRAP: A Synchronization Protocol for Hierarchical Resource Sharingin Real-Time Open Systems (page 279)

Bekooij, Marco

EMSOFT’07: Scheduling Multiple Independent Hard-Real-Time Jobs on a Heterogeneous Multiprocessor (page 57)

Benini, Luca

EMSOFT’07: Communication-Aware Stochastic Allocation and Scheduling Framework for Conditional Task Graphs in Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (page 47)

CASES’07: Lightweight Barrier-Based Parallelization Support for Non-Cache-Coherent MPSoC Platforms (page 145)

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Analysis and Design Space Exploration for High-End Biomedical Applications: Challenges and Solutions (page 217)

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Benveniste, Albert

EMSOFT’07: Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures Based on Communication-by-Sampling (page 231)

Bergamaschi, Reinaldo

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Bertozzi, Davide

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Analysis and Design Space Exploration for High-End Biomedical Applications: Challenges and Solutions (page 217)

Bhardwaj, Amrutur

CASES’07: INTACTE: An Interconnect Area, Delay, and Energy Estimation Tool for Microarchitectural Explorations (page 238)

Blainey, Bob

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

Bliudze, Simon

EMSOFT’07: The Algebra of Connectors — Structuring Interaction in BIP (page 11)

Bobrek, Alex

CODES+ISSS’07: Event-based Re-training of Statistical Contention Models for Heterogeneous Multiprocessors (page 69)

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Bose, Pradip

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Bougard, B.

CODES+ISSS’07: ESL Design and HW/SW Co-verification of High-end Software Defined Radio Platforms (page 191)

Boyd, Stephen

CODES+ISSS’07: Temperature-Aware Processor Frequency Assignment for MPSoCs Using Convex Optimization (page 111)

Brandner, Florian

CASES’07: Compiler Generation from Structural Architecture Descriptions (page 13)

Brewer, Forrest

CASES’07: Towards Understanding Architectural Tradeoffs in MEMS Closed-Loop Feedback Control (page 95)

Bringmann, Oliver

CODES+ISSS’07: Probabilistic Performance Risk Analysis at System-Level (page 185)

Brisk, Philip

CASES’07: An Optimistic and Conservative Register Assignment Heuristic for Chordal Graphs (page 209)

CASES’07: Rethinking Custom ISE Identification: A New Processor-Agnostic Method (page 125)

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Buyuktosunoglu, Alper

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Carloni, Luca P.

EMSOFT’07: A Communication Synthesis Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Networked Control Systems and Its Application to Building Automation and Control (page 21)

Caspi, Paul

EMSOFT’07: Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures Based on Communication-by-Sampling (page 231)

Catthoor, Francky

CODES+ISSS’07: Locality Optimization in Wireless Applications (page 125)

Chae, Yoon-Hee

CASES’07: A Group-Based Wear-Leveling Algorithm for Large-Capacity Flash Memory Storage Systems (page 160)

Chandraiah, Pramod

CODES+ISSS’07: Pointer Re-coding for Creating Definitive MPSoC Models (page 33)

Chatha, Karam S.

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance and Resource Optimization of NoC Router Architecture for Master and Slave IP Cores (page 155)

CODES+ISSS’07: Smart Driver for Power Reduction in Next Generation Bistable Electrophoretic Display Technology (page 197)

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Chen, Jien-Jia

CASES’07: Cache Leakage Control Mechanism for Hard Real-Time Systems (page 248)

Chen, Yi-Jung

CASES’07: Cache Leakage Control Mechanism for Hard Real-Time Systems (page 248)

Cheng, Perry

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

Chi, Jaw-Wei

CASES’07: Cache Leakage Control Mechanism for Hard Real-Time Systems (page 248)

Childers, Bruce R.

CASES’07: Fragment Cache Management for Dynamic Binary Translators in Embedded Systems with Scratchpad (page 75)

Cho, Doosan

CASES’07: Software Controlled Memory Layout Reorganization for Irregular Array Access Patterns (page 179)

Choi, Jongmoo

EMSOFT’07: Block Recycling Schemes and Their Cost-Based Optimization in NAND Flash Memory Based Storage System (page 174)

EMSOFT’07: Exploiting Non-Volatile RAM to Enhance Flash File System Performance (page 164)

EMSOFT’07: Uniformity Improving Page Allocation for Flash Memory File Systems (page 154)

Chou, Chen-Ling

CODES+ISSS’07: Incremental Run-time Application Mapping for Homogeneous NoCs with Multiple Voltage Levels (page 161)

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Chou, Pai H.

EMSOFT’07: Buffer Optimization and Dispatching Scheme for Embedded Systems with Behavioral Transparency (page 94)

Choudhuri, Siddharth

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Improvement of Block Based NAND Flash Translation Layer (page 257)

Coenen, Martijn

CODES+ISSS’07: Channel Trees: Reducing Latency by Sharing Time Slots in Time-Multiplexed Networks on Chip (page 149)

Cousot, Patrick

EMSOFT’07: Tutorial -- Proving the Absence of Run-Time Errors in Safety-Critical Avionics Code (page 7)

Darringer, John

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Davidson, Jack W.

CASES’07: Fragment Cache Management for Dynamic Binary Translators in Embedded Systems with Scratchpad (page 75)

Davis, Al

CASES’07: Application Driven Embedded System Design: A Face Recognition Case Study (page 103)

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Dawson, Michael

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

De Micheli, Giovanni

CODES+ISSS’07: Temperature-Aware Processor Frequency Assignment for MPSoCs Using Convex Optimization (page 111)

de Simone, Robert

EMSOFT’07: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Deterministic Desynchronization (page 124)

De Sutter, Bjorn

CASES’07: A Backtracking Instruction Scheduler using Predicate-based Code Hoisting to Fill Delay Slots (page 229)

Debray, Saumya

EMSOFT’07: The Revenge of the Overlay: Automatic Compaction of OS Kernel Code via On-Demand Code Loading (page 75)

Deprettere, Ed F.

CODES+ISSS’07: A Framework for Rapid System-level Exploration, Synthesis, and Programming of Multimedia MP-SoCs (page 9)

Dhanwada, Nagu

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Di Natale, Marco

EMSOFT’07: Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures Based on Communication-by-Sampling (page 231)

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Dick, Robert P.

CODES+ISSS’07: Power Deregulation: Eliminating Off-Chip Voltage Regulation Circuitry From Embedded Systems (page 105)

CODES+ISSS’07: Reliable Multiprocessor System-On-Chip Synthesis (page 239)

CODES+ISSS’07: Three-Dimensional Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Thermal Optimization (page 117)

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Modeling for Early Analysis of Multi-Core Systems (page 209)

Doh, In Hwan

EMSOFT’07: Exploiting Non-Volatile RAM to Enhance Flash File System Performance (page 164)

Dolif, Emiliano

EMSOFT’07: Communication-Aware Stochastic Allocation and Scheduling Framework for Conditional Task Graphs in Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (page 47)

Dömer, Rainer

CODES+ISSS’07: Pointer Re-coding for Creating Definitive MPSoC Models (page 33)

Dominguez, Angel

CASES’07: Recursive Function Data Allocation to Scratch-Pad Memory (page 65)

CASES’07: Scratch-Pad Memory Allocation without Compiler Support for Java Applications (page 85)

D'Silva, Vijay

EMSOFT’07: Existential Abstractions for Distributed Reactive Systems via Syntactic Transformations (page 240)

Dutt, Nikil

EMSOFT’07: Performance Estimation of Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems by Discrete Event Simulations (page 183)

CASES’07: Software Controlled Memory Layout Reorganization for Irregular Array Access Patterns (page 179)

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Ebner, Dietmar

CASES’07: Compiler Generation from Structural Architecture Descriptions (page 13)

Edahiro, Masato

CODES+ISSS’07: Dynamic Security Domain Scaling on Symmetric Multiprocessors for Future High-End Embedded Systems (page 39)

Edelin, Gilbert

EMSOFT’07: Panel -- Grand Challenges in Embedded Software (page 2)

Edwards, Doug

CASES’07: Performance-Driven Syntax-Directed Synthesis of Asynchronous Processors (page 43)

Eles, Petru

CODES+ISSS’07: Scheduling and Voltage Scaling for Energy/Reliability Trade-offs in Fault-Tolerant Time-Triggered Embedded Systems (page 233)

Erbas, Cagkan

CODES+ISSS’07: A Framework for Rapid System-level Exploration, Synthesis, and Programming of Multimedia MP-SoCs (page 9)

Ernst, Rolf

CODES+ISSS’07: Automotive Networks—Are New Busses and Gateways the Answer or Just Another Challenge? (page 263)

CODES+ISSS’07: Combined Approach to System Level Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems (page 63)

CODES+ISSS’07: Improved Response Time Analysis of Tasks Scheduled under Preemptive Round-Robin (page 179)

EMSOFT’07: Influence of Different System Abstractions on the Performance Analysis of Distributed Real-Time Systems (page 193)

EMSOFT’07: Methods for Multi-Dimensional Robustness Optimization in Complex Embedded Systems (page 104)

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Eul, Hermann

CODES+ISSS’07: Complexity Challenges Towards 4th Generation Communication Solutions (page 123)

Falk, Heiko

CODES+ISSS’07: Compile-Time Decided Instruction Cache Locking Using Worst-Case Execution Paths (page 143)

CODES+ISSS’07: Influence of Procedure Cloning on WCET Prediction (page 137)

Fernandez, Jean-Claude

CASES’07: Non-Transparent Debugging for Software-Pipelined Loops (page 23)

Fiorin, Leandro

CODES+ISSS’07: A Data Protection Unit for NoC-based Architectures (page 167)

Fischmeister, Sebastian

EMSOFT’07: A Dynamic Scheduling Approach to Designing Flexible Safety-Critical Systems (page 67)

Fulton, Mike

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

Gädtke, Sascha

CODES+ISSS’07: HW/SW Co-Design for Esterel Processing (page 99)

Gao, Lei

CASES’07: A Fast and Generic Hybrid Simulation Approach Using C Virtual Machine (page 3)

CODES+ISSS’07: HySim: A Fast Simulation Framework for Embedded Software Development (page 75)

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Garg, Siddharth

CODES+ISSS’07: On the Impact of Manufacturing Process Variations on the Lifetime of Sensor Networks (page 203)

Gebhard, Gernot

EMSOFT’07: Optimal Task Placement to Improve Cache Performance (page 259)

Ghanem, Nabil

CASES’07: Supporting Multithreading in Configurable Soft Processor Cores (page 155)

Ghenassia, Frank

CODES+ISSS’07: Bridging Gap between Simulation and Spreadsheet Study (page 215)

Givargis, Tony

CODES+ISSS’07: Performance Improvement of Block Based NAND Flash Translation Layer (page 257)

Glassee, M.

CODES+ISSS’07: ESL Design and HW/SW Co-verification of High-end Software Defined Radio Platforms (page 191)

Glossner, John

CASES’07: An Integrated ARM and Multi-core DSP Simulator (page 33)

González Harbour, Michael

EMSOFT’07: Influence of Different System Abstractions on the Performance Analysis of Distributed Real-Time Systems (page 193)

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Goossens, Kees

CODES+ISSS’07: Channel Trees: Reducing Latency by Sharing Time Slots in Time-Multiplexed Networks on Chip (page 149)

CODES+ISSS’07: Predator: A Predictable SDRAM Memory Controller (page 251)

Grove, David

EMSOFT’07: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Real-time Java Virtual Machine (page 249)

Gu, Zhenyu (Peter)

CODES+ISSS’07: Reliable Multiprocessor System-On-Chip Synthesis (page 239)

Günzel, Robert

CODES+ISSS’07: Embedded Software Development on Top of Transaction-Level Models (page 27)

Gupta, Rajesh

CODES+ISSS’07: Temperature-Aware Processor Frequency Assignment for MPSoCs Using Convex Optimization (page 111)